
Joined: 10.11.2010, 6:09

Posts: 1

Re: SCR3310 on a mac

Hi guys.

I came across your post while trying to get my SCR3310 working on Snow Leopard (10.6.4). I am experiencing the same behavior as you guys - light blinks then nothing. Luckily, I had already solved this issue on Ubuntu (10.04) and the same fix also worked for Snow Leopard (I am able to use my CAC via the SCR3310 to authenticate to Army Knowledge Online). 

Note: This worked for my specific reader and the steps might be a bit different for others. 

The crux of the issue (in my case anyway) is that the PCSCD daemon doesn't recognize my (our) reader. The fix, obviously, is to make PCSCD recognize my reader. I did this by adding my vendor id and product id to the list of known card readers.

Here are the steps:

Oh, BTW, I assume no responsibility if following these steps has any undesired consequences.

Unplug your reader from the USB port

Open a terminal and enter: "tail -f /var/log/system.log" - this will write any changes to the system log to the terminal

Plug in your reader (with or without card). You will see something like the following line:


pcscd[20675]: Non-smartcard device launched pcscd [Vendor: 0X4E6, Product: 0X511F]

Note the Vendor (0X4E6 is the vendor id for SCM) and Product values, we need to add these to the list of recognized readers.

Back in the terminal enter: "cd /usr/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents"

Backup the Info.plist: "sudo cp Info.plist Info.plist.orig"

Seriously, backup the Info.plist. This is the only file that we are going to edit. Let's be safe.

Open the Info.plist file in your text editor of choice. You will need to be root in order to save your changes. (eg. "sudo vim Info.plist", "sudo nano Info.plist", etc).

First, search for your Product Id (0X511F in my case). If your Product Id is in the file (in the <key>ifdProductID</key> section), then STOP HERE. I have no idea why your reader isn't working, sorry.

If your Product Id isn't in the Info.plist file, then continue.

There are three sections that we need to edit:




More specifically, we need to add a new entry to each section that identifies our reader.

Find the first line in the <key>ifdVendorID</key> section that says "<string>0x04E6</string>". I have 11 entries before that line, so our reader will become the 12th.

Copy the line "<string>0x04E6</string>" and paste it above the first "<string>0x04E6</string>" (I had 14 "<string>0x04E6</string>" lines, now I have 15)

Next go to the <key>ifdProductID</key> section

We need to add our product Id as the 12th entry here. You can see all of the SCM readers start with "0x51".

"<string>0x5111</string>" is currently the 12th entry in my file.

Copy that and paste it above.

Modify the new line (the 12th entry in that section) to match your Product Id ("<string>0x511F</string>") in my case.

Next go to the <key>ifdFriendlyName</key> section

We need to add some friendly name as the 12th entry here. You can see all of the SCM readers start with "SCM (and 1 Axalto)".

"<string>SCM SCR 331-DI</string>" is currently the 12th entry in my file.

Copy that and paste it above.

Modify the new line (the 12th entry in that section) to whatever you want. I chose (<string>SCM SCR 3310</string>).

But wait, there is already a <string>SCM SCR 3310</string> in there. Doesn't matter, that value can be anything.

Save the file.

Pull your reader from the USB.

Plug it back in and you should get a solid light after a couple of blinks.

One cool thing is that Safari will automatically pick up on the reader and you will be presented with the PIN box when a site challenges you for your cert.

My modified Info.plist can be found here.

Happy authenticating.


p.s. If anyone stumbles across this while looking for a solution to this problem for Linux, the same steps apply but you have to install PCSCD manually and then edit /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/scmcciddriver.bundle/Contents/Info.plist

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